Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas
English version
Biological Chemistry Area
Nutrition” Group
“Study of the Chemical Composition, Nutritional, Functional and Technological Properties of Native Species from Northwest of Argentina, to be used in the Formulation and Development of Foods of High Nutritional Value and Bioavailability of Nutrients”
Dra. Samman, Norma Cristina
Investigador INSIBIO
Jefe de Grupo

email: normasamman@gmail.com


The group investigates the use of native species from the Northwest of Argentina (NOA) region to evaluate foods that provide, in addition to their traditional nutritional value, other bioactive compounds associated with body functions in specific and positive way.

The group studies native fruits (chañar and mistol), Andean tubers (potatoes, geese and yacon) and legumes (white, red and black beans). For this, it’s technological and biofunctional properties, the content of bioactive compounds, the anti-radical activity and the antioxidant activity are analyzed.

In previous studies the working group determined the nutritional food situation, critical nutrients and priority foods of the NOA high-altitude populations.

Based on this and the nutritional composition of the foods studied, our goal is to formulate fortified foods that provide nutrients were observed in deficit

The development of this area leads to the following
Research Topics

1. Determinación  de compuestos  bioactivos  y componentes de la fibra dietaria en  alimentos. Evaluacion de efectos saludables. 

2. Formulación de alimentos enriquecidos con productos regionales.

3. Evaluación biológica con métodos in vivoin vitro de  alimentos formulados.

4. Estudios sobre alimentación y situación nutricional de niños y adolescentes de la región NOA.

Food Laboratory

Food Evaluation and Nutrition

It provides technical-scientific advice inherent to the Safety and Quality Standards of Foods and Agriculture to the productive sector, to society (agriculture and food industry, regulatory organizations) and to the different lines of research in the development of scientific works, undergraduate and postgraduate thesis.

Read more about the Service

Selected Publications
Group Members
Dra. Samman, Norma Cristina
Investigador INSIBIO
Jefe de Grupo

email: normasamman@gmail.com
Dra. Bassett, María Natalia
Investigador Asistente, CONICET
email: natybassett@gmail.com
Dra. Rossi, Analía Mabel
Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos – FBQF – UNT
email: analia@diazmeiners.com
Personal de Apoyo
Bioq. Burke, Silvia Maria del Huerto
Profesional Principal, CONICET
email: silviaburke@hotmail.com
Dr. Acuña, María Elina
Profesional Principal, CONICET
email: ma_elina@hotmail.com
Becario Doctoral
Lic. Miranda, Rita Marisol
email: ritamarisolmiranda@yahoo.com.ar
Dra. Rossi, Maria Constanza
email: mariadelpilar1026@hotmail.com
Palabras clave: alimentos, nutrición, salud, compuestos bioactivos, fibra dietaria

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